A (エース) JRock Concert- 13July
“Absolute Conquest of Europe” Tour
A (エース), which is pronounced as ACE, is a Japanese hard rock band formed in 2010 that started its activities on April 18th 2010 at the Roppongi Laforet Museum and has ever since impressed its audience with their "strongly aggressive, resonantly beautiful and outstandingly sophisticated ROCK as well as the pirate look.
A consists of lead vocalist Nimo, violinist Rookie Fiddler, bassist Toshi and support members: Shunji on drums and Kentaro on guitar.
The band`s musical style has generally been characterized as “hard rock”, “metal” and “pop rock.”
In 2010, the band has released six concept singles limited to a concert venue, one single “ Yoake-no-anthem/ NUDE” and one album “BLACK ALBUM” which has six limited concept singles.
In 2011, band altered their sound dramatically in their next release.
Five concept singles have been released limited to a concert venue in the same way. The singles are blended influences from a lot of ethnic music, as if they traveled all over the world. The countries are “UK”, “Japan”, “India”, “Spain”, and “the US”.
Their journey continues and never ends!
In July A (エース) will leave Japan for one month in their quest to conquer Europe.
The concert in Budapest will take place at Crazy Mama club, Gubacsi t 97, Magyarorszg, on 13th of July. Tickets are on sale through www.eventim.hu and www.kanzenmusic.com. The Hungarian band Ve5as will be performing as an opening act.
Ticket price : 4500 HUF advance, 5000 HUF doors on concert day .
Hours :
18:00 doors
19:00 concert - Ve5as
20:00 concert- ACE